Imploy | FAQ

  • Post and manage jobs

    ·         How can I post a new job?

    o   Go to the "Post a Job" section on our platform, fill in the required details, and then click "Submit". Your job will be available immediately.

    ·         Can I edit a job post after publishing?

    o   Yes, select the job you want to edit and make the necessary changes. Remember to save your edits.

    ·         How can I close a job post?

    o   In the "My Jobs" section, look for the job you want to close. Use the "Close" option, and the job will become inactive.

  • Manage applicants

    ·         How can I view applicants for a specific job?

    o   In your control panel, click on My Jobs List and under each job there is the number of applicants. Click on the number and a list of all applicants for this position will appear.

    ·         Can I filter applicants based on certain criteria?

    o   certainly! In IMPLOY , we have a ready-made filter. You will see applicants divided into both the Applicants section, which means they match the criteria you chose when creating the job, and the Rejected section, which means they do not match the chosen criteria.

    ·         How can I contact the applicant?

    o   Click on the message icon for the applicant and start communicating with him.

  • Compare applicants

    ·         How do I compare applicants on the platform?

    o   Go to the “Applicants” section for a specific job. Select the applicants you wish to compare and click the “Compare” button. This will show a side-by-side comparison of their qualifications, experience, and other relevant details.

    ·         Is there a limit to the number of applicants I can compare at once?

    o   You can compare up to 3 applicants at once to get a comprehensive offer. If you need to compare more, we recommend doing so in batches.

    ·         What criteria are used to compare applicants?

    o   The comparison tool evaluates applicants based on qualifications, experience, skills, and any criteria found in the job seeker’s profile.

  • Personal interviews

    ·         How can I schedule an interview with the applicant?

    o   From the applicants page, click on the “Schedule Interview” button next to each applicant. Choose a date and time and provide any necessary details. You and the applicant will receive a confirmation notification.

    ·         Can I conduct the interview via the platform?

    o   At the present time, no. The platform allows you to schedule interviews and choose the interview method. You can use an external tool of your choice and return to the platform after the interview to evaluate the applicant and complete the journey.

    ·         Is there a way to provide feedback after the interview?

    o   certainly! After the interview, you will have the option to fill out a feedback form which can be saved and accessed later to make a decision.

    ·         Can I reschedule or cancel the interview?

    o   Yes, go to the “Scheduled Interviews” section, select the scheduled interview, then choose either “Reschedule” or “Cancel”. The applicant will be notified of this.

  • Send job offers

    ·         How do I send a job offer to an applicant?

    o   Once you have decided on an applicant, go to the completed interviews section and click the “Submit Offer” button. Fill out the necessary details, terms and conditions and send them directly through the platform.

    ·         How do I know if an applicant has accepted or declined the offer?

    o   You will receive a notification on our platform once the applicant responds or rejects the job offer.

    ·         Can I send a job offer to multiple applicants at once?

    o   Our platform is designed to keep job offers safe and private. As such, you can only send a job offer to one applicant at a time to ensure personalization and accuracy but you can save the details in the draft for later reference when sending another job offer.

    ·         How do I handle counteroffers or negotiations from applicants?

    o   If the applicant wishes to negotiate the terms of the job offer, he can express his concerns or requests through the platform. You can then review the offer and decide whether you want to modify the offer or keep the original terms.

    ·         Is there a time limit to respond to a job offer?

    o   You can set a custom duration based on your preferences when sending a job offer.

  • Account management

    ·         How can I change my company details?

    o   Click on “Company Name”, all the company details will appear. Make the changes, then save them.

    ·         How can I reset my password?

    o   Click “Forgot Password” on the login page and follow the instructions sent to your registered email.

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